– is the process of preventing food spoilage by creating conditions under which microorganisms cannot multiply and grow.

Ways of Food Preservation

A. Drying 

- is   the removal of moisture and water in food.
- is the most ancient method of food preservation known to man.

Procedure of Drying

1. Natural drying – is dependent on the sun. Food is usually salted and placed on flat containers for sun drying.

2. Artificial drying – uses artificial heated air with controlled conditions of temperature, humidity, and airflow.

B. Freezing

Is a method that turns the food into solid state a t very low temperature.

Fruits and vegetables may be placed in a freezer to maintain the freshness and the nutrients.

Procedures of freezing

1. Choose fruits or vegetables that are fresh, ripe, and free from bruises or spots.
2. Wash the food thoroughly.
3. Peel and cut the food according to your preference
4. You may add syrup (1 cup sugar and ¾ cup water) or dry sugar to the food.
5. After mixing the food with the syrup, pack it in a container.
6. Place the container in the freezer. Frozen food should be only taken out before use, otherwise it will lose its nutrients and flavor.

C. Salting

Is  a method that uses salt as its main preservative. It is commonly done to meat, poultry, fish or seafood. Salt used can be rock salt or iodized salt.

Salt preserves food by osmosis. This means the water content of food is pinched out when it is salted.

With this process, microorganism’s contamination is reduced or totally prevented.

Procedure of Salting

1. Dry salting – is putting salt in layers in a jar, pot, or tray to draw out the water content of the food.

2. Wet salting or brine salting – is adding salt to boiling water, mixing it until it dissolves. Food is immersed to the solution when cooled.

D. Sugar Preservation

Is cooking fruits and vegetables in saturated sugar to extend their shelf life.

Strawberry jam is an example.

Benefits of food preservation
  1. Food preservation prevents spoilage of food.
  2. It retains the nutrients and texture of food.
  3. It maintains the good and sanitary quality of the food.
  4. It makes seasonal food such as fruits available all year round.
  5. It provides a means of livelihood for the community as an  easy business. Food preservation can increase the family’s income.

Individual Activity: Click the picture to enlarge.

Sample Project Plan: Click the picture to enlarge.

Group Activity: Click the picture to enlarge.

Click here for some  Recipe Ideas for Food Preservation

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